10:27 AM Time In India
12:57 PM Time in China
01:57 PM Time in Japan
03:57 PM Time in Australia
04:57 AM Time in UK
05:57 AM Time in Germany
The Encyclopedia of Time!
On our portal you will find accurate information about all world time zones, daylight saving time, online calendars, time calculators, annual and monthly calendars to print, holiday dates in all countries of the world and opening hours of major US companies.
In our World Holidays app, you will find the complete and official list of 2023 Public Holidays in all 193 member countries of the United Nations (UN).
Holiday TodayIn our amazing collection you will find free calendars for any year, including annual, monthly, weekly calendars and planners for personal and professional use.
2025 CalendarUse our free Military Time app to easily convert and track the exact time of all existing military time zones on planet earth.
In our American Holidays app, you'll find the complete and official list of holidays in all U.S. states with confirmed dates each year, meanings and key facts.
US Holidays 2025Find out the total days and working days during each month in regular and leap years by learning the Knuckle technique.
Find out the exact number of weeks during regular years, leap years, school years, work weeks and pay weeks in all years.
Find out the exact number of days during regular years, leap years, annual work days, weekend, school days and trading days.
Find out the exact number of hours during regular years, leap years and learn how many hours there are in each month.
Find out the exact number of minutes in each hour and learn how to calculate how many minutes there are in each day.
Find out how many days left in the year according to your time zone and get ready for a happy graduation party.
"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use." - Earl Nightingale