Today's Date

Today is Saturday, 27th of July 2024 in the United States.

The above calculation was performed according to the official atomic clock.
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What Is Today's Date And Day?

To correctly calculate today's date and time, you need to know your current time zone.

Our app automatically calculates the exact date according to the US East Coast time zone.

The exact today's day and date is Saturday, 27th of July 2024 in Eastern North America.

But we know that people all over the world are using our online time calculator today.

So we list the result in each region of the planet so that everyone is well informed!

This revolutionary app makes it easier than ever to manage important dates.

Know what is the exact current date in all regions of Planet Earth:

  • Americas:
Current Time in Hawaii   Current Time in Hawaii Friday, 26th of July 2024  09:30 pm
Current Time in Alaska   Current Time in Alaska Friday, 26th of July 2024  11:30 pm
Current Time in California   Current Time in California Saturday, 27th of July 2024  12:30 am
Current Time in Arizona   Current Time in Arizona Saturday, 27th of July 2024  12:30 am
Current Time in Texas   Current Time in Texas Saturday, 27th of July 2024  02:30 am
Current Time in Canada   Current Time in Canada Saturday, 27th of July 2024  03:30 am
Current Time in Venezuela   Current Time in Venezuela Saturday, 27th of July 2024  03:30 am
Current Time in Brazil   Current Time in Brazil Saturday, 27th of July 2024  04:30 am

  • Europe:
Current Time in United Kingdom   Current Time in United Kingdom Saturday, 27th of July 2024  08:30 am
Current Time in France   Current Time in France Saturday, 27th of July 2024  09:30 am
Current Time in Germany   Current Time in Germany Saturday, 27th of July 2024  09:30 am
Current Time in Greece   Current Time in Greece Saturday, 27th of July 2024  10:30 am
Current Time in Italy   Current Time in Italy Saturday, 27th of July 2024  09:30 am
Current Time in Spain   Current Time in Spain Saturday, 27th of July 2024  09:30 am
Current Time in Turkey   Current Time in Turkey Saturday, 27th of July 2024  10:30 am

  • Asia-Pacific:
Current Time in Australia   Current Time in Australia Saturday, 27th of July 2024  05:30 pm
Current Time in New Zealand   Current Time in New Zealand Saturday, 27th of July 2024  07:30 pm
Current Time in Iran   Current Time in Iran Saturday, 27th of July 2024  12:00 pm
Current Time in China   Current Time in China Saturday, 27th of July 2024  03:30 pm
Current Time in Israel   Current Time in Israel Saturday, 27th of July 2024  10:30 am
Current Time in Dubai   Current Time in Dubai Saturday, 27th of July 2024  11:30 am
Current Time in Pakistan   Current Time in Pakistan Saturday, 27th of July 2024  12:30 pm
Current Time in India   Current Time in India Saturday, 27th of July 2024  01:00 pm
Current Time in Philippines   Current Time in Philippines Saturday, 27th of July 2024  03:30 pm
Current Time in Japan   Current Time in Japan Saturday, 27th of July 2024  04:30 pm
Current Time in South Korea   Current Time in South Korea Saturday, 27th of July 2024  04:30 pm

  • Africa:
Current Time in Ethiopia   Current Time in Ethiopia Saturday, 27th of July 2024  10:30 am
Current Time in Ghana   Current Time in Ghana Saturday, 27th of July 2024  07:30 am
Current Time in Nigeria   Current Time in Nigeria Saturday, 27th of July 2024  08:30 am
Current Time in South Africa   Current Time in South Africa Saturday, 27th of July 2024  09:30 am
Current Time in Kenya   Current Time in Kenya Saturday, 27th of July 2024  10:30 am
Printable July 2024 Calendar
July Holidays Worldwide

What's The Date Today?

Today's Date

Feeling the aftermath of last night's celebrations?

Throw the first stone who has never been lost in time after a big hangover and forget what is the date today.

This embarrassing situation can happen to any of us after that wedding party, celebration of the new triumph of your favorite team, university fraternization or simply drowning the sorrows of life.

For those of you who woke up hungover or lost in time, let's put judgments aside and let you know that today is Saturday, on the 27th and the month is July of the year 2024.

According to the US East Coast time zone, the official atomic clock calculates that it is 03 hours, 30 minutes and 57 seconds in AM.

We are currently enjoying exactly week 30 of 2024 in our life as earthlings on Planet Earth, a marble floating miraculously in the immensity of the universe.

Or if you've already arrived at work and want to know today's date in dd/mm/yyyy format, let's help you with that to make your day very productive.

The current date in British Date Format (DD-MM-YYYY) with two-digit day, separator, two-digit month, separator, four-digit year is:

  • 27-07-2024

The current date in American Date Format (MM-DD-YYYY) with two-digit month, separator, two-digit day, separator, four-digit year is:

  • 07-27-2024

The current date in ISO 8601 Format (YYYY-MM-DD) with four-digit year, separator, two-digit month, separator, two-digit day is:

  • 2024-07-27T03:30:57-0400

The current date in SQL Date Format (YYYY-DD-MM) with four-digit year, separator, two-digit day, separator, two-digit month is:

  • 2024-27-07

The current date in RFC 2822 Format with shortened day of week, numerical date, three-letter month abbreviation, year, time, and time zone is:

  • Sat, 27 Jul 2024 03:30:57 -0400

The current date in Unix Epoch Format with number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT) is:

  • 1722065457

Did You Learn What Is the Date Today?

If you've made it this far, we believe you've figured out what the current date is.

It would be very selfish to keep the knowledge to yourself, how about sharing this tool with your friends and family?

You don't even have to worry about writing a text, just choose one of the texts below and click to share it on Twitter with everyone.

Click on a link to Tweet about the date today:

Share on Twitter   Where Will The Party Be Today?

Share on Twitter   You Are Invited To My Party Today!

Share on Twitter   What's The Tastiest Food You've Tried Today?

Share on Twitter   What's The Best Thing That Happened To You Today?

Share on Twitter   Who Else Woke Up With A Hangover And Doesn't Even Remember What Day It Is?

Lady Kronos   Lady Kronos Tips: If drinking alcohol at a social event is unavoidable, be sure to hydrate with at least 64 ounces of water before drinking. This will help you to ease the pain of a possible hangover. Symptoms such as fatigue, dry mouth, headaches, body aches, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, lack of sleep, sensitivity to light and sound, dizziness, tremors, irritability and rapid heartbeat will naturally disappear within 24 hours.

Count Time and Dates Like a Boss!

With all the tasks this time of year to cross off your list and remember dates for social events or times for important professional meetings, you need all the help you can get!

That's why we're launching Time And Date Like A Boss, an initiative that counts all the dates and times you can imagine!

Our online time calculator will do all the heavy lifting automatically, just join us on this journey and get ready to count past or future times and dates like a boss!

Here's everything you need to start managing all those important dates and times:

Tomorrow Around The World:

When Are You Going To Make The Purchases You've Been Procrastinating In The Last Days?

Know that at the distance of a click you will find everything you need to plan your purchases today and do not procrastinate anymore.

We provide a complete guide to shopping malls, gift shops, electronics stores, department stores, bookstores, toy shops, pet stores, restaurants, supermarkets, bakeries, coffee shops, candy stores, sports stores, hardware stores, garden centers, gas stations, tire stores, car dealers, drugstores, banks and DIY stores closest to you.

Access our directory of opening hours for stores near you to find out the location and opening hours of commercial establishments on weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or special days.

Lady Kronos   Lady Kronos Tips: here's the secret to help you get discount coupons to save up to 80% at the checkout of your online purchases and save a lot of money in the next few hours. Use any of the social buttons on this page and share this online time calculator like a boss!

Do You Know What Time Is It In Every
Time Zones In The World

BST Time CDT Time Central European Time Central Time CEST Time CST Time EDT Time EST Time ET Time GMT Time HAST Time IST Time Mountain Time MST Time NST Time PDT Time PST Time PT Time SGT Time UTC Time