1345 Military Time

When it is 1345 on the military time it will be 1:45 PM on the regular civilian time.
See our Military Time Converter
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What Is 1345 In Military Time?

For those starting a military career, it's always important to know the right time!

Our What Time Is It app automatically converts what does 1345 mean in military time:

The Military Time 1345 means 1:45 PM in regular civilian time on a 12-hour AM/PM system.

Currently people all over the world are using our app to plan missions or understand Military Time.

So we list the 1345 in military time across all military time zones so everyone is well informed!

This revolutionary app makes it easier than ever to manage important hours at any time.

Learn the 1345 military time conversion in each military time zone:

  • Positive UTC Offset:
Alfa Time   Alfa Time 1345A Pronounced: One Three Four Five Alfa.
Bravo Time   Bravo Time 1345B Pronounced: One Three Four Five Bravo.
Charlie Time   Charlie Time 1345C Pronounced: One Three Four Five Charlie.
Delta Time   Delta Time 1345D Pronounced: One Three Four Five Delta.
Echo Time   Echo Time 1345E Pronounced: One Three Four Five Echo.
Foxtrot Time   Foxtrot Time 1345F Pronounced: One Three Four Five Foxtrot.
Golf Time   Golf Time 1345G Pronounced: One Three Four Five Golf.
Hotel Time   Hotel Time 1345H Pronounced: One Three Four Five Hotel.
India Time   India Time 1345I Pronounced: One Three Four Five India.
Kilo Time   Kilo Time 1345K Pronounced: One Three Four Five Kilo.
Lima Time   Lima Time 1345L Pronounced: One Three Four Five Lima.
Mike Time   Mike Time 1345M Pronounced: One Three Four Five Mike.

  • Negative UTC Offset:
November Time   November Time 1345N Pronounced: One Three Four Five November.
Oscar Time   Oscar Time 1345O Pronounced: One Three Four Five Oscar.
Papa Time   Papa Time 1345P Pronounced: One Three Four Five Papa.
Quebec Time   Quebec Time 1345Q Pronounced: One Three Four Five Quebec.
Romeo Time   Romeo Time 1345R Pronounced: One Three Four Five Romeo.
Sierra Time   Sierra Time 1345S Pronounced: One Three Four Five Sierra.
Tango Time   Tango Time 1345T Pronounced: One Three Four Five Tango.
Uniform Time   Uniform Time 1345U Pronounced: One Three Four Five Uniform.
Victor Time   Victor Time 1345V Pronounced: One Three Four Five Victor.
Whiskey Time   Whiskey Time 1345W Pronounced: One Three Four Five Whiskey.
X-Ray Time   X-Ray Time 1345X Pronounced: One Three Four Five X-Ray.
Yankee Time   Yankee Time 1345Y Pronounced: One Three Four Five Yankee.

  • UTC Offset:
Zulu Time   Zulu Time 1345N Pronounced: One Three Four Five Zulu.
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Military Time 1345 Explained

1345 Military Time

Do You Know What Is 1345 Military Time?

Whether you're updating military contacts in India or planning a great trip to United Kingdom , use this handy guide to make sure you don't miss out.

While it's not common to learn how to say military time in elementary school, you can easily learn how to manually convert military time with these handy tips!

The easiest way to correctly convert 1345 military time to standard civilian time is to subtract 1200.

Then you can manually do this simple math: 1345 - 1200 = 145.

Now add the hour/minute separator two decimal places to the left and finish the conversion by adding “pm” to the end.

This way, we can manually complete the military time 1345 conversion to standard civilian time finding the result: 1:45 PM.

Lady Kronos   Lady Kronos Tips: We've created a great free tool to help you simplify those annoying calculations so you can manage your time and tasks more productively. Access our online Time Calculator and start planning days and times for your trips or military missions like a boss!

Count 1345 Military Time Like a Boss!

With all the tasks this time of year to cross off your list and prepare for important military events, you need all the help you can get!

To keep track of military bases and plan operations around the world, it will be very important to pronounce and read military hours so that your orders can be transmitted accurately.

That's why we're launching Military Time Like A Boss, an initiative that automatically converts every military time you can imagine!

Keep in mind that military time 1345Z can be pronounced in casual conversation as thirteen fourty-five hours.

But when you broadcast 1345Z time to a military base or military radio, it will always use the correct pronunciation: One Three Four Five Zulu.

While most people can easily work with this, it will take some getting used to using military time zones to report times for briefings, events, meetings, missions, and calls.

Learn to convert, pronounce and understand other commonly used military times:

Have You Already Planned To Buy Everything You Will Need To Use On Your Trip?

The hours in military time 1345 are quickly counting down - and so is the time to schedule your most urgent purchases!

We provide a complete guide to shopping malls, gift shops, electronics stores, department stores, restaurants, supermarkets, bakeries, coffee shops, hardware stores, gas stations, drugstores and banks closest to you.

Access our directory of opening hours for stores near you to find out the location and opening hours on weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or special days.

Lady Kronos   Lady Kronos Tips: here's the secret to help you get discount coupons to save up to 80% at the checkout of your online purchases and save a lot of money on your next hours.

Do You Know What Time Is It In Every
Time Zones In The World

BST Time CDT Time Central European Time Central Time CEST Time CST Time EDT Time EST Time ET Time GMT Time HAST Time IST Time Mountain Time MST Time NST Time PDT Time PST Time PT Time SGT Time UTC Time