8,760 Hours in 2025
How Many Hours Are In A Year?

Are you ready to learn how to calculate how many hours there are in the year?!
To find how many hours in a year, you need to know that the year 2025 has 365 days and each day has 24 hours.
Then you must multiply the number of days per year by the number of hours in each day and we will have a total of 8,760 hours in this year:
365 days x 24 hours = 8,760 hours in 2025.
Total Hours In A Year
See below the total hours of the year detailed monthly with the sum of all months of the year 2025 and access the free printable monthly calendars:
- 744 Hours
- 672 Hours
- 744 Hours
- 720 Hours
- 744 Hours
- 720 Hours
- 744 Hours
- 744 Hours
- 720 Hours
- 744 Hours
- 720 Hours
- 744 Hours
- 8,760 Hours
3 Key Facts To Know!
1. During Leap Years: In leap years there will always be 8,784 hours.
2. During Regular Years: In regular years there will always be 8,760 hours.
3. Next Leap Year: Leap years have 366 days and usually occur every 4 years, the next leap years will be 2024, 2028, 2032 and 2036.
Useful Stats for 2025
During 2025 we will have 260 working days and 8,760 hours to enjoy outings with family or friends.
We will be able to plan ahead for these special moments in the opportunities that will arise during the 52 Saturdays, 53 Sundays and 11 US federal holidays during the year.
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Lady Kronos Tips: To help you manage the most important dates of the year, we recommend that you browse our amazing collection of free printable calendar 2025 and find a premium template that you will love. |
How Many Work Hours In A Year?

Learning to correctly calculate annual work hours will help you better plan your vacations and improve your quality of life.
If you own a family business, you will typically work all 2,080 hours of the year if you can't find someone to fill in for you during the holidays.
On the other hand, if you are a corporate employee, you can take two weeks off during federal holidays and work 2,000 hours this year.
If you are a new employee, you will be entitled to an average of 10-14 paid time off (PTO) days per year and will work for 1,880-1,920 hours in 2025.
If you are an experienced employee, you will be entitled to an average of 15-21 PTO days per year and will work 1,840-1,880 hours this year.
In the following table you can easily see how many working hours there are in a year for each situation:
Work Hours In A Year* | |
Open Every Week | 2,080 Hours |
Excluding 11 Federal Holidays | 2,000 Hours |
Excluding 10-14 PTO Days | 1,960-2,000 Hours |
Excluding Federal Holidays & 10-14 PTO Days | 1,880-1,920 Hours |
Excluding 15-21 PTO Days | 1,920-1,960 Hours |
Excluding Federal Holidays & 15-21 PTO Days | 1,840-1,880 Hours |
* All calculations were based on a standard working week of 40 hours (eight hours a day).
Keeping tabs on your working hours can also help you better plan your financial life.
If you receive per hour worked, you will receive extra checks in the months of March and August which are the longest with 184 work hours.
On the other hand, you should be prepared to receive fewer checks during the month of February, the shortest of the year with a total of 152 work hours.
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Lady Kronos Tips: Have you thought about the things you would like to do this year? When you track how many work hours there are in a year, you can see how much time you have to take vacations or visit loved ones you haven't seen in a while. |
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